Thursday, 23 August 2007

Kasabian - Wireless Festival 2005

UPDATED 16.8.06: I found this well-written review on the web on Kasabian's performance. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed how humble the guys were

Having chickened out on Glastonbury in favour of Paris, I figured I should start slow with all of this Festival malarkey. So the Wireless Festival in good old Hyde Park seemed a safe bet. Kasabian were headlining on the day I went. Matt got a fake tattoo of my name before I arrived, bless, but of course Suchen and Diego later teased and accused me of pussy-whipping him (not true). I met "Craig David". We inhaled laughing gas. We got soaked. Pete Doherty and Babyshambles were terrible, shame we weren't near enough to chuck things at that pointless druggie. Kasabian were awesome. Lead singer Tom Meighan was fiiiiiine. And humble. And really young but that didn't stop me from lusting after him. If all festivals were like this I would be happy. Apart from the expensive crepes.

A few more pictures can be seen on My Flickr Photo Album

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